A Thousand Words: Into The Night

The #36 Marcos at Druids, Brands Hatch

The Britcar "Into the Night" race was a chance to photograph racing cars in the dark, at one of my favourite circuits: Brands Hatch.

I chose to stand at Druids for the early part of the race. It's a superb spot to shoot at, because there's no high safety fencing on the inside of the corner so you can get really close to the action - a rarity at most modern circuits. This was my best shot from the race, and I knew it as soon as I saw it on the back of the Canon. I managed to judge the flash power just right here, but couldn't seem to repeat the feat for any of the other subsequent photographs!

Camera: Canon EOS1D Mark 3; Lens: 70mm; Exposure: 1/12th sec @ f2.8